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Old 04-21-2023, 02:58 PM
Sadre Spinegnawer Sadre Spinegnawer is offline
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See, what Chortles knows, but he thinks he is being clever by playing dumb, is that reality is 4 dimensional. Time is the fourth deimension. You can very easily (at least I can) train your mind to see the trail of time in the present reality that surrounds you, whether it be a mountain view or a person on the street. You can see the dimension of time.

Coco Chanel famously said, "When you are young, you get the face you were born with. When you are old, you get the face you deserve."

Wise woman. A Nazi, but she did invent the entire concept of what a "modern woman" dresses like. Women looked like dolls. Coco gave them clothes that can take control of things. The Queen's entire look is based on Coco's principle's. So if you thought the late Queen was boss, (!!) that is all Coco Chanel. She simply reinvented what a formal woman looks like.

So, you get the face you deserve. That's the dimension of time. I once was talking to someone who was exactly my age, but he looked so old.

I realized, it was because adulthood had eaten his happiness. He was anxious, angry a lot, jealous of people, always thought he was getting a bad deal in life.

The face he deserved.

So, if what I am saying is correct, tell me, am I wrong?
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