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Old 04-12-2023, 08:16 PM
PlsNoBan PlsNoBan is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 815

Legitimately the worst idea for a TLP they've had to date. I really struggle to believe anyone that has really thought this through and understands EverQuest thinks this is a good idea. It is so clearly and obviously going to be an absolute dumpster fire.

FTE isn't even a good system on P99 and P99 has staff actively enforcing stuff like stalling rules and rules about what area(s) of the zone you can/can't be in to be eligible for FTE and whatnot. How in the fuck does anyone think its going to be any better on a TLP? With no policing? DBG clearly doesn't have (or isn't willing to dedicate) the employees needed to police server rules on that kind of level. That's literally the entire reason they threw their hands in the air and said "fuck it DPS race everything" cause they didn't have the resources and/or didn't want to police camp disputes and such. Does anyone think this isn't going to just devolve into who has the faster macro to fire some instaclick into the mob on spawn while everyone is literally standing on the spawnpoint? OR a bard with selos (can selos indoors on TLP remember) just tagging shit and kiting it indefinitely?

What's to stop someone from griefing and holding mobs hostage? Non existent GM's? I've already encountered people on TLP's doing stuff like locating the PH for Quillmane in south karana as a bard and whenever they had to go AFK they would pull the PH under the water in the river and bard mez it permanently til they returned. Without 3rd party cheats this would be next to impossible to even detect it was happening. At least on a regular TLP you have the chance to locate the mob and take it. Imagine some dbag having the ability to just perma mez something and keep it encounter locked forever? I would hope they thought of that and won't allow someone to 24/7 encounter lock a mob but I have very little faith in them thinking things through like that. I would be very comfortable making a large wager that this server either A: ditches the encounter lock mechanic before it even launches OR very shortly after. Or B: Is a total and complete shitshow and one of the worst TLP's they've ever put out.
1: Mage is a better group DPS class than Shaman
2: Enchanters solo better than Warriors

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