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Old 04-10-2023, 05:01 PM
Ambrogio Ambrogio is offline
Senior Server Guide

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Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 5,861
Default A Reminder on Account Security

Please be mindful with whom account details are entrusted. While the thought of sharing account password information with trusted allies may seem like a great idea, we have seen all too often how the best of relationships crumble. Items have been removed, accounts stripped, and other actions leave beloved characters without the means to effectively maneuver during gameplay sessions.

Actions on accounts are generally the responsibility of the account owner, regardless of who is logged into your account at the time. There is inherent risk when sharing account information and, as CSR Staff, we do not support those decisions. We make a reasonable attempt to support players who have been defrauded by others after account information has been shared. However, the ultimate responsibility falls to the account owner who chose to share their password, and many situations are unable to be resolved. Additionally, those found guilty of defrauding others by taking advantage of shared accounts will be met with disciplinary actions.

We hope this serves as a friendly reminder to keep your account information safe!