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Old 04-03-2023, 12:05 PM
Valakut Valakut is offline

Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 232

the saturday quakes in general always turn into aids for casuals that try to play on sunday because once all the raid targets are down the hardcore raiders just power level shared toons for dkp and engage in borderline zone disruption the rest of the weekend.

for that reason i would suggest a bristlebane specific quake where all the timers are reset but not everything respawns at the same time (maybe like a rolling timer where a new raid mob spawns every 30 minutes), and make different mobs spawn in different locations (ie vox could spawn at KT location and KT could spawn at Faydedar), and 3x the hp of any mob with vulak loot and 5x the hp of any mob with pre nerf no drop loot.

if you cant kill the avatar of war with a guise on it then maybe you just don't get avatar loot until the next non bristlebane quake. team up or dont bristlebane shouldn't care.
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