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Old 03-15-2023, 11:41 PM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

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This guy apparently got off on all charges due to the “stand your ground” law applying to vehicles as well

The man turned the footage of his dash cam over to police immediately because he felt he was in the right, because he thought the water bottle thrown at his car was a gunshot

To his credit, from the video the sound of the bottle hitting the car doesn’t sound all that dissimilar to the gun. Are they in reality? Dunno

To his detriment, the dude had a water bottle thrown at his car because he brake checked the other guy who was tailgating him. That’s why he had his gun out, because he thought the other guy might respond to his brake check

What SHOULD happen: He should be charged with reckless endangerment due his complete shit handling of his weapon. There were cars in front of him, it’s a miracle he didn’t kill anyone. He has no business owning a gun at that skill level. He is going to accidentally kill someone some day