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Old 03-15-2023, 02:14 PM
Basanos Basanos is offline

Join Date: Sep 2022
Posts: 1,378

Yeah so do I on the ads, hate 'em all.

I was referring to GloriFi, the anti-woke bank that failed last year. Seemed like a misread from the get-go to me. The average person isn't eternally online enough to care enough to move their money into to a bank that explicitly doesn't... give out loans... to the woke? Or something?

I feel like GloriFi tanked simply because everyone who would have potentially used it because of their 'values' already has their money wrapped up in crypto or something, but that's just a hunch.

I also admit I had never even heard of SVB until it failed. I don't pay close attention to Silicon Valley anything because it's just an abyss of the worst America has to offer this world.