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Old 03-06-2023, 02:11 PM
sajbert sajbert is offline

Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 468

But in this fever dream full BIS-scenario you would be stamina capped without any buffs so the saving a stamina buffslot wouldnt be an issue. It'd only be relevant if you went for low cha high MR gear for something like raid pulling and you'd think that 20 stamina would somehow be relevant enough to make a difference. In pretty much any other scenario given this silly gear it'd seem like dex or agi beats it.

That said, stamina does seem like the best bang for the buck during a career of raiding, I just don't see how it's a real minmax option even for raiding once fully BIS. Outside of raiding dex has got it soundly beat with that level of gear too.
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