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Old 02-20-2023, 03:31 PM
Encroaching Death Encroaching Death is offline

Join Date: Sep 2022
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Originally Posted by Randarn [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Statistics have shown that women to men ratio in gaming is roughly equal across all platforms. But genders may gravitate, generally, to a game genre more than their counterpart. Men trying to act bravado in games, as if they were around a group of all men...not realizing the above statement; doesn't help for sure. From real life experience, there are many-many active, fit & attractive, with well-balanced successful careered women who play video games... including Everquest. Generally they broke into it either from, as a real world example, their NASA computer-science programmer father got his all female children into Everquest and later world of warcraft. They all did ballet as kids and grew up playing games with dad. So later in life, through life balance, they grew to be super hot, more knowledgeable in computers or that Vindi raid, then my all gamer butt. These girls were cousins of my high school friend, and first met them when they had an extra blizzcon ticket after all sitting around their 4 computers spam clicking "buy" button for blizzcon tickets, because Blizzcon ticekts instantly sell out in the first 1 second tickets go live. Women of all types are out there playing these same games right next to you...just have some decency and respect for those around you. You never know who you'll meet on the internet.
~Trys Ogre Warrior : Now, where's my sword...
Bullshit. Women don't exist. Anywhere. Around me.
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