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Old 02-16-2023, 08:33 PM
Sweagen Sweagen is offline

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Posts: 47
Default My friends are mad at me cuz I stuck up for a lvl 60 Druid

Who fell in love with paisley and thought she would move in with him irl, but she was still had feelings for wokecat and it erupted into a huge argument (on stream last night) and now the Druid feels spurned and refused to buff or heal us so we’re basically stuck in the crystal caverns with no healer and no way to leave lol. Meanwhile I’m desperately trying to set up paisley with another friend we have irl so she has somewhere to live when she gets evicted in 2 weeks.

Some ppl are jealous I get to play with girls on p99 but it comes with its fair share of drama too due to paisley and pr1ncess being very desirable due to there not being a huge female population on p99, and has honestly caused more drama than I’ve experienced in pretty much any other game

Discuss have u ever had a female p99 friend and was it this dramatic

Who was in the right, Kelethan or paisley


Characters: Fappas (Level 50 Halfling Cleric - Green)
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