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Old 02-15-2023, 06:24 PM
Chris1479 Chris1479 is offline

Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 76
Default Unrest Frustrations

First and hopefully last rant I'll ever write on the forums.

>Be me, 13 Cleric, go to Unrest, twinked AF.
>Have a great time (initially), wrecking ghouls with my undead nukes.
>Ding level 17, head to MR.

The proceding 2 days are a blur of trains and rezzing.


>No problem, I'll log my 60 paladin and rez everybody and derail the trains
>End up doing this for multiple hours over the course of 2 days, picking up the pieces of FP.
>Group (or the main 2 culprits) that is training the whole zone over and over again is still holding FP. Except now, I can't group there because I've called them out for training everyone.
>Manage to scrounge solo xp killing ghouls in a corner up to 22, give up and head out.

So that was my experience of Unrest. In the 2 decades on and off that I've played EQ that is the single worst time I've ever had there. Despite opening a petition (something I can count on one hand the number of times I've had to do) nothing was done about those guys. This was Green and their guild was Pals btw, a guild which I have never heard anybody say 1 positive thing about btw.

I've never seen so few fucks given about training other people. Multiple groups wiped again and again as those morons kept dragging trains around (what kind of a puller uses intimidate btw?) This is probably the lowest skill floor and the most antisocial behaviour amongst players in EQ I've ever seen.

/Rant over. It's only a game. But what a fucking frustrating experience.
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