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Old 02-15-2023, 04:12 PM
sajbert sajbert is offline

Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 468

IF we get a new server…

Cleric is fun with a lot of fresh groups, until you realize outdoor ZEM buffs ruined grouping and everyone’s a cleric.

Necro is the perfect class until you reqlize you can’t pick iksar.

Mage is a poor choice early due to broken pet research. Also, you can’t do the cool dungeon solo camps and you’ll never get your epic.

Enchanter is the best class but we already knew that and decided not to play enchanter for whatever reason.

Bard is great pre-kunark despite XP-penalty. Can charm and be a bad boy, who needs manasongs? But, no need for guise or manastone.

Paladin seems fun. Cool quests and all. Warriors sorta suck in classic too. XP-penalty hurts. No gate, otherwise neat class.

Shadowknight similar deal as paladin minus cool quests but the XP-penalty for Ogre and Troll is pretty dang brutal.

Ranger is a sleeper badass class. Only ones with track almost forever. Guise is neat. Seaworthy planking is cheap. A weak grouping and soloer in vanilla and XP-penalty but meh.

Shaman is a class that can solo OK (and great once u get torpor) and be useful in group and that you can just keep investing into and not waste your time. Guise is neat and saves you an AoN.

Rogue is one-dimensional and weak in classic but rogues don’t need much investment to be fun. Grouping king.

Monk, 10/10 class but unlike you are a fashion queen iksar is the way to go

Druid is just very powerful. Can’t solo hard stuff in guk and doesn’t realy get many groups but ports aree ports…

Wizard, well, you can solo better than most as far as leveling goes and ports are ports. Still, don’t roll wiz.

Warrior, unless you are a turbonerd or hate yourself, just no.

….. I can’t decide….

I’d pick Cleric but seeing everyone doing the same makes me think. Maybe Paladin? Or go Mage and pretend I’d get epic someday? Or for once be smart and roll enchanter.
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