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Old 02-03-2023, 07:18 PM
Danth Danth is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 3,277

I agree with Toxigen. Changing characters is unsound unless the individual was thinking of doing it anyway. In that duo a jaundice bracer would take a very long time making up the time lost re-leveling to the 20's, assuming they get to 45 at all (and assuming they have the money for it). The dreariest part of a shaman's life is the low level range and re-doing that part when the player's on the cusp of escaping it also seems questionable. The object is to have fun, not get stuck in an endless re-roll loop in pursuit of some perceived advantage. A monk/shaman duo gets more fun the higher level it gets as the characters become more capable. The world's practically theirs for the taking at 60. I've watched relatively casual players get stuck in re-roll loops before, never quite settle on a character, and quit before even making mid-levels, much less upper. It's better to settle on something then stick with it.

Maybe the troll might be worth making if he plays more than his gal does and he catches it up in his spare time. It's not worth delaying their duo for it.

Last edited by Danth; 02-03-2023 at 07:20 PM..
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