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Old 01-12-2023, 04:40 PM
DeathsSilkyMist DeathsSilkyMist is offline
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Originally Posted by Crede [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
There’s no data to suggest regen outweighs the penalty. I have a 60 troll sk as well and have done many builds. In most cases you are limited by other things like mob availability. An sk relying on hp regen for efficient soloing 50+ isn’t ideal. You want to be fear kiting and focusing on mana regen primarily. My trolls fungi/epic was more than enough and eventually you hit a point where you are prob better off medding for the next round than having extra regen which is why a bigger mana pool is nice for keeping a long fear kiting session grinding. I also don’t believe any iksar could have out leveled my human Necro because eventually you just tap everything to death. 20% is a hell of a lot more kills from 1-60.

I think Most would agree regen is more about the benefit at 60, not for the speed of leveling.
I agree what camps you do are a big factor. If you just AFK kill 1 mob every 30 minutes, HP regen basically does nothing for you in terms of kills per hour. In that case not having an XP penalty is better for the speed of leveling.

When fear kiting on my level 58 Troll SK I still need to heal, so the regeneration is still reducing downtime. From my experience with fear kiting, I am usually not at full mana, unless I AFK or am camping less mobs. So in an optimal scenario, the max mana does nothing for me, since I am never at max mana. The nice thing about Troll regen is you can wear a Chest item like Vindi BP. With the 8 + 2 you are getting 2/3rds of a Fungi Tunic in terms of Regeneration, plus all the nice stats.

Edit: Obviously you wouldn't be sitting the entire hour while soloing, I brain farted on that. You would probably be sitting half the time while soloing. At level 49 you would be getting like 1200 HP an hour while sitting as a Troll/Iksar over other races, due to getting an extra +4 HP regen sitting from 20-49. When meditating at 16 mana per tick as a level 49, that is saving like 7 minutes per hour (10% more kills). This is because life taps from levels 9-50 have horrible ratios for SK's. They are around a 1 to 1 HP/Mana ratio. Gaining 1200 HP per hour could be equated to saving 1200 mana per hour, depending on how you are using your spells.

At lower levels you would have a bigger increase in kills based on your meditate skill level. I forget what the numbers would be at lower levels, I would need to hop on a lower level caster and check. Since meditate gives you 1 mana per 15 points, I want to say a level 20 would only get 8 mana per tick, but I am not 100% sure on that. If that is the case, you would get 20% more kills per hour. So I would imagine the average from 20-50 would be more like a 15% increase in kill speed. This is again assuming you are killing the entire hour, and not AFKing.
Last edited by DeathsSilkyMist; 01-12-2023 at 05:07 PM..
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