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Old 01-04-2023, 07:09 AM
Encroaching Death Encroaching Death is offline

Join Date: Sep 2022
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What's even more concerning was the sly threats Twitter was getting from Senator Warner and the government, to the point where Twitter felt the need to lie about the number of accounts they were banning just to appease them.

You can tell by the communications that they were totally confused and unsure what to do.

Democrats were pissed and wanted a scapegoat and Twitter was being honest with their numbers and not realizing they were being told to fall on the sword.

This is dangerous. It's pretty obvious the government still has a lot of control of the media, as they were using the threat of bad press to pressure Twitter.

You can see a lot of early 2017 articles pressuring Twitter, saying they were a foreign agent of Russia.

Really disgusting stuff.

I'm sure this happens all the time though. Not surprised considering our mafia government.
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