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Old 12-31-2022, 05:55 AM
long.liam long.liam is offline

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Posts: 198

Originally Posted by Stonewallx39 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Reading through patch notes and wondering if someone smarter than me can help decipher the aggro changes. Do these effect characters that cannot cast the spell (Warriors)?

Also what’s a SPA? My guess is “Spell proc aggro?” But that doesn’t seem right.

Rogean: for spell SPAs: AC/Atk Debuff, Snare, Slow, Blind, Stun, Fear, Spinstun, Charm, Mez.
Rogean: The SPA above are capped at 1200 aggro, or 400 if the player is not high enough level to use the spell (Ex: Procs).
Rogean: Removed an overall spell cap of 400 aggro if player was not high enough level for the spell. This is instead capped per SPA Above

If these do affect warrior procs am I reading this right that a debuff proc (like from Frostbringer) might have more aggro then a poison counter proc (
I googled it. SPA from what I could find, means SPell Affect. Here is two links that verify this: &
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