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Old 12-08-2022, 11:21 PM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

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Originally Posted by Horza [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
All I see is another GOPtard taking a break from copy pasting chan memes to scream about how teachers are groomers again. Give it a rest, there aren't even any Republicans up for election for another two years.
And all I see is someone trying and failing to make a straw man argument that this isolated case of grooming means all gay teachers are groomers. A statement that I immediately tore down

So then you shifted to something about vaccinations or whatever. Didn’t even bother to go there

Then you shifted back to being upset about a case of obvious grooming means losing an election as some sort of wanna-be deterrent. Not deterred there, champ