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Old 10-31-2022, 12:16 AM
Vormotus Vormotus is offline
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Originally Posted by l0053g0053 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

I just want a big server population again. I disliked how its 550 on blue and 950 on green last night. I was alone in a lot of areas, which is fine for a wizard, but it was a little depressing. Its all my fault since I dumped my P on some Jboots like a year before green and missed the launch so will never get a guise ect.

Dont want to sound contrarian, but merging green and blue wont make the pop magically stay high forever.

Personally, having certain guilds and people on diff servers is actually healthier for people at endgame than forcing the toxicity of certain type of players in a single one.

I am not alone thinking that keeping some people apart is the best outcome for the two servers, but then again, we wont have an official answer until after Jan 2023 anyway as explained by the devs themselves.

I would love a new fresh Teal server but dont know if it will ever happen, but if nothing would ever happen Id rather things stay as they are now until pops are so low merging the two servers would be the best for the community and much more cost effective as well for people keeping the servers up and running.

In my own experience I am server hopping at the moment, trying new things and classes that will never exist in P99 or even live (Gnome Beastlords are the best, also Troll Druids!!!, man that rocks so much haha) and I will probably return fully to P99 after the devs say something explicit around Jan or March 2023 if at all.

Fresh starts are amazing for people like me, and several others, hence why Daybreak still launches TLPs and pseudo classic servers. After a certain point all you can do in a velious time locked server is to strive for the top 1% gear in a crowded endgame with people whose attitudes can or can not mix well with yours, and life is too short to shoehorn youself into that pixel delusion if they dont.

For me EQ has always been about the journey, both solo and in groups, and once you rreach a certain point , and with no real horizontal progression it feels stale ... to me anyway.

What I believe P99 has above other servers beside the enforced no botting rule is that amazing sense of disregard for your own time and the ability to spend literal hours just doing something as inane or complex as you want . A perfectly frozen memento of something that is not possible anymore.

It reminds me a bit of the Neo-80s phenomenon, as we are literally reimagining an 80s decade that is even more shiny and neon lighted than the original one. P99 is simply a Neo-99 and it is simply superb in that regard.

A fresh server would simply rekindle that brief moment in time where everything was new, despite the power gamers and level rushers, the core pop will always slowly climb that threadmill with you, helping you climb it and recreate a Neo99 experience that never happened but is real at the same time.

That alone makes this server amazing, and for those times when you need that shiny extra bright neon and feeling of reading Neuromancer like the first time , P99 not only suffices but excels.

So yes, in short, I would love so much a new server, to relive for a few months that time that never happened when I was young, but now that I am old I can recreate in as much possible detail as I can to reminisce as if it happened back in the day and fill for a brief moment that gaping hole that all of us bear within our souls, which for a very small moment, as it passes between us we can feel connected to something that is no more, a Virtual Hiraeth that makes us cry a bit inside as we look into that pixelated sky in Norrath.

Love to everyone as usual my friends.

Big hug to all ! [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Ikoparu - Necromancer of Bertoxxulous (Green)
Euridun - Druid of Karana (Blue)
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