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Old 10-30-2022, 11:47 AM
l0053g0053 l0053g0053 is offline

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Join Date: Oct 2022
Location: That one pond
Posts: 326

I do not see how there could be another PVE server with the populations already split. I understand the logistics of doing the " Merge " would be very harsh. Ruining stable economy, and tons of people raging about name transfers ect.

I just want a big server population again. I disliked how its 550 on blue and 950 on green last night. I was alone in a lot of areas, which is fine for a wizard, but it was a little depressing. Its all my fault since I dumped my P on some Jboots like a year before green and missed the launch so will never get a guise ect.

The population difference is annoying since every leveling zone is a ghost town, or maybe a guild PLing people, ignoring a poor wizard lfg ;w; (lol worst group class i know)

I was so excited for green when that period for a few months when casters are the big damage dealers compared to melee, so will miss that forever I guess.

IF there was a NEW server, I would probably migrate over. IF there was a merge.

ALL of my characters togther on a single server would make me really happy, and I would not mind as much since then it would be the " Sandbox " server where all your gear/chars are together. I just dont like the idea of multiple, static servers constantly dropping the population. Eventually making enough servers might get daybreak interested?

I just know. I always donate every year I play, and they do it for free, so its hard to complain.
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