Originally Posted by Zuranthium
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I needed both in 2011, at least with how the guide was written then; forum posts from other people in 2011 and 2012 also talk about needing both. If you say you had a forum account 6 months after in 2009, then why are you not using it now? It's very curious, people who say they've be on p99 for a long time, and yet have recent join dates.
You are not qualified to be a judge of what is a very good gamer or not (and have no idea about me). I am a better player than you, as proven by the inane things you've written in multiple threads that are factually inferior gameplay. Sorry you're mad about having your actual shit talking being shot down. Be sure to make a video when you learn how to play Warrior properly with a 2-hander.
Sirken banned all my forum accounts, and play accounts when we exosed his tits for manastones scheme amongst other transgressions that saw his removal from the project.