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Old 10-22-2022, 02:21 AM
Danth Danth is offline
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Originally Posted by Botten [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
That wasnÂ’t a threat?
You didn't say "threat." If you had, I would not have posted. You said some silliness about "saving the world." That's absurd! Even if you believe the likely-inflated official numbers, your own death count does not even approach one in a thousand globally (and, that, mostly feeble old people who were already on death's doorstep). That is not an existential threat to the species. The freaking Black Death killed half of europe and it was not an existential threat to the species or to the world. Heck even the affected nation-states mostly survived.

In so many words I'm saying, don't be a Chicken-Little. Keep things in perspective. Avoid the temptation to blow things out of all proportion. That type of scaremongering was what drove the over-reactions which led to the economic effects you described. It did not have to be that way and could have--should have--been handled better. Covid was bad, but was at no point a threat to our world, species, or nation.

Don't bother talking about what-ifs or mights. That's blatant fearmongering. We've been living with mights and what-ifs should some virus decide to mutate the right way since the species has existed. If it happens, it happens, but until then it's not real and not something to lose sleep or trash your way of life over.