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Old 10-21-2022, 11:08 AM
Solist Solist is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 666

You wont convince shit players there is a better way.

CHA is the only stat that matters and in a duo that's even more so. Yes there is exceptions, like duoing prot/tola, and nothing but your manapool matters. Or monk epics. Or you could have basic farming all broken up and it's all singles etc. But for a group, for crawling, for duoing and seal teaming around zones, for duoing chardok royals, fungi's, etc....cha is king. For CR's it's king. For breaking into camps it's king. For leapfrogging shitty groups it's king.

Sadly there is a point if you play the class reactively and miss out on playing it well that you hit 60 and become a ch bot, and then for 10 years you tell people on forums the class is a healer only. So much more to do and be active (and it's not rocket surgery).

There's very few group compositions that suit the cleric healing primarily; it's pretty rare occasion I identify the best thing to be doing is sitting and medding then healing; controversially heals are the least efficient thing a cleric can do in most groups. When compared to controlling all pulling and CC, and leaving the DPS to do dps instead of run about collecting mobs...not attacking. Even stuffing about with CC is more expensive to do anything except a mana free pacify and atone on an add like an illis shaman or some shit. Fighting mobs while a cleric is sitting there staring at a rooted add that's free casting everything in it's arsenal is incredibly frustrating.

Per above, a cleric breaking rooms with pacify is infinitely better than an enchanter. The enc is free to cast and CC as much as he likes while the cleric DA's the crit fail. 55+ with stun command is pure cheese for HS as an example (where 6 HT's do zero damage to the cleric). There isn't an enc on the server that wouldn't give that job up to a class with far more survivability and also allows the enc to freely fix it. The opposite is the cleric is reactively trying to heal, while also trying to pull aggro against colour/aemez resists/rooting mobs and closing the melee gap to buy enc ability to cast. Velks same deal. Gnome cleric BiS for this for wall vision for targeting.

If you wanna sit and med, click greater heal and root mobs the warrior pulled in sol b or something while he gets wailed on by 3-4 at a time thats fine. Most people do. Most people suck. Or you can spend 30 mana casting 3 lulls at close to zero risk. You spend far less mana keeping single mobs in camp and lose far less mobs to rival groups if your kill order is consistently the same and kill on respawn etc (like sequentially doing every warlord PH so noone else gets one).
Last edited by Solist; 10-21-2022 at 11:21 AM..
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