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Old 10-17-2022, 11:29 AM
red_demonman red_demonman is offline

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Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 240

List was flawed in that it required people to unhealthily stay up for over 24hrs to get the item. Some of these lists were hitting 3+ days (manastone) which requires swapping or cheating.

The other issue with the list is the minimum levels. A lot of times you had people show up that just could not manage the camp at level 35, this was more an issue at rubi bp camp.

A lot of this could be mitigated if they wanted to just increase the % chance for the item to drop and keep the current system or replace it with a system that requires whoever is #1 on list to be able to kill it or be removed and allow #2 and beyond to afk.
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