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Old 10-17-2022, 01:59 AM
sajbert sajbert is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 518

/List was a terrible system and fee if anyone I talked to in-game liked it.

It DID succeed at keeping guilds like Seal Team from perma-monopolizing the camp. Everything else about it sucked.

Since you were unable to leave and the drop rates (non-classic I’d wager) were so low it promoted unhealthy if not downright dangerous gameplay sessions for anyone who didn’t account share or cheat (which people did).

It’d have been better had time or number of kills been saved so that you could take a break and return later. This whole system is entirely non-classic anyway.

Currently the list system serves no purpose and is 100% determinental to the game. Why should we have to click checkboxes as VS camp or /list up when we wanna group at Verix?

Please get rid of /list.
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