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Old 10-15-2022, 07:43 AM
alphys alphys is offline

Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Kelethin
Posts: 628

Lol someone showed their booster bandaid at work as well. Then they all compared how many Vax shots they had. Talk about awkward. People are still seeking praise for their submission.i just used the old, " I'm immonocomprimised "

It's a funny line since I'm 6'3 and well muscled. Everyone is very small down here in SC. Morbid obesity is more prevalent here then anywhere I've lived so I can empathize with their submission to propaganda.

We are in it together! Get vaxxed to help your friends!

It wasn't worth the stress. Waking up early was also a total pain in the ass. I was also tired when I got home with barely enough energy for the family and to shit post.