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Old 10-11-2022, 06:40 PM
El Camacho El Camacho is offline

Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 252

Just spoke with the fine lawyers at Aradune & Mithara.
They pointed me to the "About Red" section of Project 1999

I have clipped a portion for your enlightenment

Play Nice
Training will not be allowed and if caught will be harshly punished.

Kill stealing will not be an offense on the PvP Server, and may be used against other players even in situations where the players can not directly attack eachother. A higher level may chose to grief a lower level out of a camp, but be thankful he isn't able to kill you instead and move along.

Bind Camping will not be an offense on the PvP Server, however it will be frowned upon by the staff and in some situations may be intervened.


You have no way of knowing that most people on the server clear camps in this manner.

You either fight for the camp if they come back, bro out of the way or get lucky if they miss the respawn timer or are done.

Either way, there are very few circumstances where the GM's come fix a dispute.
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