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Old 03-28-2010, 04:42 PM
Abacab Abacab is offline

Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 99
Default This mob AEing through walls thing is bullshit

I'm sorry man but getting wrecked by AoE from groups two or three rooms away is frankly retarded, especially when I'm just sneaking through dungeons and it breaks my hide and causes a train.

For the visual:

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I'm the blue dot no where near the yellow dots (players fighting) and even further from the red dots (wizard mobs) and I can be sitting in a safe hall and out of nowhere I get:

You have been wracked by static winds you take 79 pts of damage!

Which is followed by a long line of "Frrrrooooooooak"

It seems like any mob that can cast can nail you through several walls, doors, floors, ceilings as long as they are within spell range and frankly it's just annoying when you're not even engaging said mobs.

Seriously though fix that shit, even on live I can LoS spells but here if it's going off within the radius of it's cast EVERYONE is going to get nailed, and there is no point in running cause it's going to

A) train

B) continue nuking me down from the lord area all the way to the god damn gargoyles without moving an inch.