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Old 09-19-2022, 12:53 PM
Solist Solist is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 667

To preface the below:

1. Rogues evade has significantly changed since 2019. It is effectively worthless when compared to it's previous operation.
2. Clicks are not a thing aside from a real emergency, as sceptre of the forlorn is a large timesink so using them is retarded unless it saves a raid.
3. As clicks arent a thing, bumps are too valuable to waste on shit warriors who cant manage aggro properly.

That said, your job is to hold aggro and not die. There's not really a situation on the server with how we play the game that your job can be not that.

It cant be pissing about trying to avoid riposts. Rogues die.
It cant be pissing about worried about lifetaps. DPS die, mob flips.
It cant be pissing about trying to minmax some weird shit. DPS die, mob flips.
It cant be trying to make a clerics life somehow easier. Enchanters die from sieving, mob flips, rogues die, mob gates. ETC.

So feverblade/redblade, or any other combo of the top 10 for each hand. It doesnt matter which, any of the top 10 in either hand is fine.

Pick any of the top 10 aggro weapons. Put either in either hand. Press auto attack. Try to land a totem first, or totems through a weaponshield. Keep auto attack on until a second short of enrage. Re attack after. Spend your mental energy hovering wort pots and your reaper, watching the chain landing and being vocal about your DI status, damage shield status etc. A warrior stays alive, if you're fucking about doing anything but holding aggro and not dieing, you're generally doing it wrong*. Edit: Can also add, some stupid fast engage thats unslowable where noone is actually there but you, your worts, and a cleric or paladin? Sword and board. Ikky pops and there's 2 clerics only? same. etc. Then appropriately build aggro once heals are established. You're also intentionally limiting your aggro so a monk can take aggro and bump if need be in these situations.

As for 2h, they're sublime for controlled aggro generation. A set hate value per unit of time on a non aggro proccing 2h weapon is supurb.

Vyemm 2hs, Eashan 2hs, Vulak 2hs, Kriezenn 2hs, rocksmasher, facesmasher, meldjin are all great examples where your hate/second value is identical, as long as auto attack is on. So you can manage exactly how much hate you're making compared to any warrior with aggro weapons, and compensate with totems accordingly (such as 2nd tank for AoW, Tunare). Knowing the main tank with any of the top 10 weapons in either hand is making in the order of 75hate/second, means you can look at your vyemm 2hs at +-68 hate/sec and be fairly confident you will need to hit totems equal to the tanks initial totems plus one every 45+- seconds to match his aggro. The same can be said for something like horn of hsagra and blue blade but it's a bit too little, you'll lose 5 rogues on a swap or burn 2 bumps.

Actual tanking with a 2h, they just dont have the aggro generation. On HoT mobs, sure after slow swap in epic 2h or frostreaver if you must and it feels good and for some reason you feel like alt tabbing in. Noone is dieing to a flipped hot mob. VS? max aggro. Draco? max aggro. *Some weird circumstance where the raid isnt dps'ing, sure sword and board.
Last edited by Solist; 09-19-2022 at 01:12 PM..
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