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Old 09-13-2022, 11:25 AM
teai teai is offline

Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 186

I caught "Covid" I would compare it to the common flu when I was 7, the last time I got sick.

Light sensitivity, body aches, sore throat, shortness of breath. What did I do?

Drank Pedialyte, took aspirin, and took it easy for two days. Felt fine a few days later.

I am type o+ and 75% german 25% scandi genetic tested, so maybe more resilient to disease.

Did you file for a religious exemption or just submit? Its incredibly easy to get one, the supreme court ruled that your "Deeply held belief " only needs to be held by one person

United States v. Ballard :: 322 U.S. 78 (1944) › cases › federal › us
United States v. Ballard: Whether a religious belief is true or false is irrelevant to a judicial determination, as long as the belief is sincerely held.
I literally told my employer, " No " they threatened me, and I said, " Fire me then " and I never heard another word.

My distant family always said " Work made me do it " Or " I wanted to travel " only, they never even tried a different avenue, they just lined up. Exemptions were easy, creating fake vaccine cards was easy. What was not easy for me was saying to myself, " I am NOT going to do this " Then just suddenly agree and do it because of threats.

Keep in mind. I bought a house I could afford, and saved money, so I was not under the yoke of debt.
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