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Old 09-09-2022, 05:47 PM
PlsNoBan PlsNoBan is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 815

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
If you are being serious, what evidence do you have to support your claim I have "questionable evidence"? The math I provided matched the videos I provided, and you can cross reference the logs to the videos, to make sure I am not cheating.

It is not my fault you seriously think class DPS can only be determined by gathering group data. Please answer this question honestly:

"If I provided 1000 data sets of a group where a Mage parsed at 40 DPS due to his group members sucking, does that mean a Mage's DPS in a group is an average of 40?"
Don't change the subject. We've discussed why your evidence is shit at great length. Variables change things and your napkin math isn't how things will necessarily play out in the real world. This is why many people have suggested you go get applicable data in a real life scenario but you have thus far refused to do so.

Back on topic: You have talked yourself into a corner and need to give it up. It doesn't matter who trolled or how much. It doesn't matter what names anyone called anyone else. What matters is this thread is asking for the "Best 4 person all caster/priest group" and by your own words and admission that answer does not include shaman outside of a very small amount of niche situations. Your argument all along has been for including shaman in that 4 man group with the understanding that OP was asking what the best OVERALL 4 man caster group was. They didn't ask what the best is for ixiblat. You have contradicted yourself and it's time to end this.
1: Mage is a better group DPS class than Shaman
2: Enchanters solo better than Warriors

These statements are not up for debate amongst sane human beings
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