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Old 09-01-2022, 06:21 PM
bcbrown bcbrown is online now

Join Date: Jul 2022
Posts: 270
Default Low-level Shaman mana efficiency

I've been having fun playing a shaman for the first time. I don't know EQ very well (only played for the first six months when it first came, when no one knew anything), and I'm wondering what spells I should be using while soloing (and sometimes grouping) in Kurn's Castle. I'm level 16 at the moment.

Are the stat buffs worthwhile? I can't tell if they're doing much, and they're a pain to re-up every half hour or so. Maybe Strength and Turtle Skin are the only ones I should bother with? But does Turtle Skin really move the needle with +10 AC when I'm at close to 400 AC already?

Is Disempower ever worth it? When soloing I've been pulling with Tainted Breath and following up with Walking Sleep, which seems to be working pretty well. In groups of 3-4 people the kills are too fast for the DoTs to really make a difference, so I've mostly been playing that as straight melee with the occasional heal.

Magelo is in sig; my gear is fairly decent (full banded, good jewelry) but not extravagant.
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