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Old 08-27-2022, 09:47 AM
magnetaress magnetaress is offline
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Originally Posted by Homesteaded [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The entire four years was filled with Trump colluded with Russia, you may have forgotten, but we haven't.

Ukraine impeachment sure was real, it happened and it was proven to be yet another nothing burger, see previous.

Pee tape could be real, sure and Biden could be sentient.

Many raids by the FBI, all due to a dossier that was bogus, without that none of that happens. The means don't justify the ends. A series of perjury traps isn't a win.

You're not even ready to admit the Hunter Laptop is real? You're delusional.

Biden's daughters diary being stolen doesn't matter, do you get it? Joe Biden showered with his teenage daughter.

The Steele dossier was fabricated and supported by the Clinton foundation, this is a fact. What McCain has to do with this is beyond me, other than prove how much of a maverick he was.

We are for law enforcement, not for the FBI. The FBI doesn't represent law enforcement. It represents political actors. The law being upheld is generally a conservative stance. If the parties entrusted with upholding the law are compromised, then no, we don't support them upholding their version of the law.

This guy is still claiming Biden has a stutter, simply astonishing.

This guy doesn't believe mass media is compromised, hard to say what's more astonishing, this or the stutter claim.
this post was written on lsd (he's right tho, you are a rat in a cagemaze pushing buttons for magic pills aka dollars and coins)