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Old 08-02-2022, 04:44 AM
greatdane greatdane is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 659

Originally Posted by Gustoo [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
No level limit is part of the no GM enforced anti training. If training is allowed than every trainable dungeon needs to be FFA.
SZ had no level limit and it was the training server. A lack of level restriction doesn't change anything. If some level 10 idiot comes flying around the corner with a huge train on him, it makes no difference whatsoever whether or not you can attack him, because that train is on you faster than you could ever hope to react. That's the issue with training: there's practically nothing you can do about it. The live server without level restrictions for PvP died out because of systematic training. It wasn't done by low-level alts, it was done by mains.

All you get out of removing the level restriction is griefers who go around wiping out all the players in leveling zones for the lulz. And you know as well as I do that there are people in this community who would make it their mission to do that regularly. This community is way too damaged for a server to function where it's legal to grief others, because people will go out of their way to get other players to quit.

Training has been mostly kept at bay on P99 just by virtue of the risk of suspension, and there's no reason it couldn't be the same on a PvP server where grievances can be settled through actual PvP. It shouldn't take that many man-hours to police this, it's 2022 and anyone can record their gameplay and send in footage for review. I'm pretty sure that allowing training wouldn't make it any easier for the GMs who would instead have to deal with a community that is constantly on fire from players training each other all day (which literally happened on SZ), and plagued by the fact that running ShowEQ becomes extremely important for protection against trains.
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