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Old 07-16-2022, 02:19 PM
hobart hobart is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 857

Voted Trump. He can barely contain himself from announcing now even though the establishment is blackmailing him with funding to wait until after mid-terms.

Trump is going to shit on DeSantis from now until the primaries -- escalating as it gets closer. I think it will work.

Sarah Palin was extremely popular with idiots until the day she wasn't and her wagon rolled off a cliff. I wonder if idiots will get tired of Trump in the same way?

I also wonder if they're too stupid to see that Ivy League-educated Ron has dumbed down his shtick (don't say gay, fighting with disney, even his new fascination with hand gestures) to look like Trump in a effort to capture some of the retard magic?

Actually, I don't wonder that. I know you tards are for sure too stupid to see it.

I'll probably go DeSantis in hopes that we get the President his background and education suggest and not the redneck retard he pretends to be.
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