Thread: Predator PREY
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Old 06-08-2022, 12:12 PM
robayon robayon is offline

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Originally Posted by Mblake1981 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Aliens Vs. Predator desktop computer games were tits, those released before the god awful AVP films, new Predators or Aliens. Isolation was the best Alien game released in recent history. See that is the thing, these were not part of the main franchise. The main franchise being a Predator movie where you don't see him until part-way through the film and the other is about a mysterious Alien lifeform that kills a space crew
part-way through the film. (The point being they later turned a scary monster into the star, like Reddit fan fiction. The stuff we used to call computer games and comic books..)

Edit: Both were late 1970's - mid 1980's horror-slasher-action science-fiction films when Hollywood Left-Wing Ultra Violence ruled the media (and it still does).

I'm not disagreeing but that's the second time I have seen you refer to Hollywood Left-Wing Ultra Violence.

What makes violence in movies left-wing? The victims of the violence? Can you clarify this term?
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