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Old 06-05-2022, 09:28 AM
PlsNoBan PlsNoBan is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 815

Originally Posted by ya.dingus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You two are in the minority when it comes to the topic of server merges.
There's not a fucking chance this is anywhere close to true. You're out of your mind for even attempting to claim this. The last thread you brought this dumb topic up in nearly every response made fun of you.

Originally Posted by ya.dingus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Stop trying to project your protection of pixels and legacy characters by the deprecation of blue server.
I've said many many times that I don't care AT ALL about any p99 pixels regardless of server. My ideal scenario is a full wipe of blue before the merge then continuing to merge green back to blue at the end of timeline each time.

Originally Posted by ya.dingus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Forcing a larger portion of the population onto a ruleset they're not interested in, to preserve the pixels/power status of the people on blue is not only selfish, it's short sighted.
LOL do you seriously not see the hypocrisy? Your ENTIRE ARGUMENT is "Noooo don't merge the servers cuz my green pixels". Holy crap dude.

Originally Posted by ya.dingus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Let's be real here, "MuH pOpUlAtIoN" explanation doesn't hold water; Especially with relaunches requiring a teal and green server.
There's always initial launch hype. Same thing happens with TLP's and really any MMO launch. It's always way overpopulated at the start and you always lose a good chunk of people in the first month or two. P99 averages somewhere around 1000-1400 people across all servers at peak times. It's been this way for as long as I can remember even pre-green. Now instead of a server with 1000+ at peak times resulting in a well populated world we have 2 servers with 500-750. That's still decent. Not as good but it's fine. You still walk through the world and find lots and lots of empty zones but at least the popular zones are good. You're advocating for splitting the population further so we have 3 (4 with red) servers for the same 1000-1400 ppl? You realize that's going to put each server at < 500 people? You really think this is a good thing? I promise you are the minority here.

Originally Posted by ya.dingus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Guess you wont have any problems quitting your characters and joining green.
Repeating for like the 6th time: I'm not actively playing blue or green currently. I'm not secretly fighting for my "legacy" blue pixels. I clearly and openly stated my wish for blue to be wiped. You are VERY CLEARLY fighting for your green pixels and nothing else. I'm ready and waiting to start on green 2.0 but at this point feel it's a bit too late to start fresh on green when (supposedly) green 2.0 is coming. This is my biggest frustration with p99 atm that we have no information on the plan for merge/new server or any kind of hint at the plan for that.
1: Mage is a better group DPS class than Shaman
2: Enchanters solo better than Warriors

These statements are not up for debate amongst sane human beings
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