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Old 06-04-2022, 04:55 PM
ya.dingus ya.dingus is offline

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Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 273
Default Real talk: Blue is a beta cess pool

Bit of an inflamatory post, but it's true. That server is backwards from years of mechanic abuse, bad raid scene, RMT trading etc.

Merging green with blue not only presents technical problems, but community problems as well.

Blueberries (the minority) is screaming their heads off however, because they're worried about becoming a legacy server despite being able to play now.

Honestly, I say let blue become legacy. People can still continue playing blue if they want, and the green community is large and healthy enough to continue what it's doing.

Merging is a mistake. Takes in what my opinion is a clean server, and dirties it was the history of blue.

Thanks, but no thanks.

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