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Old 05-03-2022, 09:32 PM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

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Originally Posted by Raj [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Break a leg, wishing u much success and happy times! [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I actually got rejected after first date, a first for me in life. I’ve always been the one usually to reject the gal, which I’ll do by just not responding to messages after the date. I’ve heard from family that it’s more polite to at least let them know you weren’t feeling a connection, but I didn’t want to deal with possible arguments or negative statements so I tend to just ghost

I can identify I think where things went wrong. I picked a Christian gal but didn’t realize HOW Christian (Bible study, church and church group). She knew I was Christian but that my attendance was generally bad. Early on in the date I mentioned that I had tried Bible study and just didn’t like it, so didn’t keep going. After this, her entire demeanor changed. She became a lot more wooden, and quite boring

For example, I would ask her about her family and get only a short answer with no follow up. I would ask her about work and get “I don’t like talking about work when not at work”. Stuff like that. She wasn’t cold, and still asked me questions and appeared to have some interest in my responses, but definitely seemed to have made her mind up

Because she was by far the most athletic girl I had met from online, I was still willing to give it a second chance. But when I mentioned being willing to see her again she replied that she just wasn’t feeling a connection and wished me the best. I replied “no worries, u as well!” And that was that. All it cost me was a cup of coffee and an hour of my time. I don’t feel bad, I don’t think I made any obvious mistakes and while I am Christian, I am not going to lie or exaggerate my level of faith in order to try to appease someone. The only criticism I did have of her, is that me personally, even if I wasn’t feeling the person, I would still be a bit more personable and engaging out of politeness

But no bother, already have 3 other conversations going with other gals, 2 on bumble and 1 on match [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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