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Old 04-21-2022, 01:41 PM
robayon robayon is offline

Join Date: Apr 2021
Location: GA
Posts: 1,637

I have also been wrestling with alcoholism for twenty years. I have kicked a lot of drug habits including narcotics and benzos, but alcohol has proved the hardest to stop. I have also been to rehab. I turned 40 last month. I also am generally skeptical of mental health services after a string of bad ones about a decade ago that ended up with me in rehab, where I met people who made my problems seem inconsequential. I can't imagine caring for kids on top of all of those things.

Praying for you, Homesteaded, seriously. It's a fickle beast. One day at a time and stuff. If you can't stop, taper down.

Ever read a book called This Naked Mind by Annie Grace? That's helped me in the past when AA didn't last
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