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Old 04-03-2022, 08:42 AM
starkind starkind is offline

Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 6,357

Sodom and Gamora was more about greed, rape, molestation and exploitation, decadence and abuse then it was about sodomy.

In fact a better translation for sodomy is the "oligarch", or modern day plutocrat. Those people who are making and passing the laws this very day. Yes G-d says obey your lord. G-d also doesn't say to do harm in your lords name or G-ds. Thats not an excuse or cop out clause from the commandments. G-d also does not say your lords and kings are infallible.

We should obey reasonable laws, rules, reasonable wealth should be respected and aspired to. Responsible wealth. Not what we have or are doing now. Expecting people like Biden, Trump, or Ron DeSantis or AoC, or Grimes, Mitch, or Elon or Murdoch, Will and Jada, Caitlyn, whomever or any other million lords and ladies to solve your problems for you. They won't. They all live in sin. They all enrich themselves at the expense of people and freedom and liberty and justice for all. 🗽⚖🇺🇸

Stop empowering these irresponsible reckless fools with power and money and authority! Just fucking stop.
Last edited by starkind; 04-03-2022 at 08:47 AM..