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Old 03-11-2022, 09:23 PM
dartcron dartcron is offline

Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 79

Originally Posted by dartcron [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

I have characters on the side I'm trying to level, including:
level 1 Human Wizard Viivi
level 20 Human Enchanter Darts
Level 30 Human Paladin Zart

Level 35 Erudite Cleric Nedhels
Currently staticing this cleric with my best friends monk

level 50 Half Elf Rogue Trilok
I get groups on this rogue when i can

level 53 Half elf Bard Eeven
been leveling this off and on lately as well

Send me messages across the project 1999 forum platform for more information,
and possibly add me on discord.
Discord username: Zart#4094
So we had success with our power levels this last Wednesday and Thursday,
got the enchanter to level 31, and got the Cleric to 39.

I helped introduced two wizards to project 1999 red, and I do want to reiterate that I will power level any class.
Just at the moment I am lacking magical starter weapons for caster classes, which shouldn't be a problem.
I still have plenty of swords and spears for melee classes starting out.

I am still interested in power leveling players that are commited to playing on project 1999 red.
Either on Wednesday or Thursday at a prescheduled time, I need about a 24 hours notice.

Or Friday through Wedensday late at night approxminately 11PM PST.

Originally Posted by Tradesonred [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Im still grateful we had a server at all, i helped Rogean beta test red in a capture the flag match and was so pumped for a red server, that im still bitter about the deflated results that happened on launch and everything that trickled down from the first 2 years' mistakes, 10 years later.

But im kind of hijacking the thread here, so you go ahead and ad for your PLing [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I think it would be better if a red server was kept simple. Honestly if they made a new Red server all the players would be farming Legacy items and, Legacy items dont make or break the game for me. I much rather them treat project 1999 red as a semi-classic server and make it so all the legacy items are available even after the release Velious.

Likewise, even if they did make a new project 1999 red 2.0 with plans to rotate into red similar with how green is suppose to rotate into blue I don't think I would be that dedicated to farming legacy items when I have so much content to explore on project 1999 red.
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