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Old 01-30-2022, 08:57 PM
Qyxxl Qyxxl is offline

Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 50

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
For your budget something like this would work:

Ebon Mace - 1.5k or a bit less.
Silver Chitin Hand Wraps - 500pp or a bit less.
Clay Guardian Shield - 150pp or a bit less.
2x 5/55 HP rings - 500pp or a bit less.
2x Orc Fang Earrings - 400pp or a bit less.
Full set of Crustacean Shell Armor - 1k or a bit less. Don't buy gloves or shield since you already have Silver Chitin Hand Wraps and Clay Guardian Shield.
Chipped Velium Amulet - 100pp or a bit less.
Spiked Steel Wrap - 50pp or a bit less
Worked Dragonwing Mantle - 300pp or a bit less
Ancient Seahorse Hide Cloak - 300pp or a bit less.
Goblin Forged Iron Mask - 30pp or a bit less. Can probably find it on merchants.
Sarnak Backstabber (For ranged slot) - 150pp or a bit less.

This may not be an absolutely perfect list, but it gets you fully slotted out for just under 5k. I am generally listing the higher end price, so you could shave off a few hundred pp easily if you can talk the seller down a bit. Since some of these pieces are quite cheap you may be waiting a little while to buy them (not as many sellers). Some of the items like the mask you can farm yourself if you have a high level character.

If you have a tiny bit of money left over buy a cheap 1hs, 2hs, and 2h blunt weapon for training your weapon skills. You can use the Sarnak Backstabber to train piercing. Buy some Hand Made Backpacks as well. You can farm Shralok packs yourself once you get to level 20 or so, those will be the best bang for your buck in terms of cheap bags.

Good Luck!

Thanks a ton! I've got a 54 druid and 49 monk. Some of the gear I can swap from the monk (schw) but other than that I'll be tunnelquesting for a bit!
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