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Old 01-06-2022, 05:41 PM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 8,473

I don’t dissect the nutrient macros or go too hard on any diet because I’ll burn out

My layman version is:

- the more sugar you have, the more sugar you’ll crave, I’ve noticed anyway. Once I can get through the woods on a sugar detox, it makes it a lot easier to stay away. What really helps is just never buying it and never keeping any in the house. But the problem I run into is we have like 3 different gals who are amazing bakers and bring baked stuff to work every week. That becomes really hard to walk past 10 times a day…

- Find a form of movement that you don’t hate, there’s gotta be something out there. For me it’s running and lifting. Swimming I absolutely hate, but do it 3 times/week too

- If you don’t have the energy to move, try pre-workout powder. That stuff gets you cranked! Drink lots of water after because I’ve noticed caffeine dehydrates me. This won’t work for people who are caffeine sensitive or work out before bed though

That’s it off the top of my head