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Old 12-15-2021, 03:00 AM
Imago Imago is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 801

Originally Posted by New_Guy [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Nizzar - Shouldn't have threatened the staff. Otherwise a standard neckbeard who understood time invested was more important than anything else.
Lite - Super uncomfortable experiences regarding sharing account info with anyone as when Lite would ask for my shit to solo Vox, Naggy and Ragefire. Dude's heart was in the right place, but I could never trust him. Play by play was a solid shotcaller, but had very little long term focus. "Call me crazy, but grats Sektors!"
Vaporize - Super intense, but super distracted. He'd be 1000 mph one second and gone for 6 months the next. But if he didn't like you ... fuck, have fun waiting that one out.
Agatha - Drugs are bad. Ask him why. This will help -
Colgate - Honestly? Good player making a difference on a small server. Dude fucked butts pre-Velious, and then helped run Empire pretty well. Nothing but complements for the guy.
Ragnaros - Not a fan. Top 3 people on server I didn't get along with. Singlehandedly got me to quit <Friends> for <Empire>. Kid could play, but kid was a two timing piece of shit. Good Guys voice chat was basically guild leadership telling us to cool our jets on flaming each other. Fuck that guy.
Chewie - You cant convince me he wasn't using 3rd party software. Multiple times in LGuk he would literally log in on top of me for the slam dunk. It'd be one thing if I was at a major camp. It's totally another when I'm bats in bedroom.
Beastagor - Top 5 players ever to grace our server. Loved the game, played hard, gave no fucks. A+ P99 individual; we will be lucky if he chooses to come back. Pray he plays on your team.
Stryker - who the fuck is Stryker?
Sickpuppy - Definition of time invested = skill. Mrbigs was a textbook case of a toon with a ton of gear dominating a zone with PvP but no actual skill in the game.

You're missing some major players thought. Twerk? Barcode?
Originally Posted by Derubael View Post
You're just a british meatball.
Red99: 60 Ranger / 60 Rogue / 60 Monk / 60 Necro / 55 Wiz / 54 Paladin / 54 Bard / 48 Druid