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Old 11-28-2021, 09:37 PM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

Join Date: Aug 2015
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But yes it goes without saying that if the devs say in the future that an additional server is not an option, then obviously dumping everyone into the top heavy drama-fueled blue is better than deletion

The other possible variable here is the health of Live/TLP EQ. The worse they are doing, the more people who will set their eyes on private servers, both as players and potential guides or whatever. If people believe that live is on its way out, more and more will come to private servers and go underground with them if daybreak/dark paw tries to shut them down

Has anyone heard of WoW ascension? A private offshore server, literally stealing WoW IP and COMPLETELY monetizing it, and blizzard can’t touch them. It’s incredibly popular, maybe slightly less with the release of WoW classic trials of mastery