Thread: New World
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Old 10-18-2021, 01:08 PM
Shawk Shawk is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 768

Originally Posted by BlackBellamy [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I got to level zero! I created a character that looked like every other character. I was the same height and body style as everyone else. I was the same race. I went out and saw some guys with these huge anime-hammers like 10 feet long just floating on their backs. And then I watched some people fight and it was all this giant jumble of explosions and whooshes and sparklies with numbers flying everywhere.

I didn't do any quests because they are all the same trivial ask. I didn't do any crafting because it's just makework to keep you busy. I didn't go into any dungeons because there weren't any. I didn't participate in pvp because that is locked behind 100s of hours of pointless crafting, I mean pointless other than serving as a gate to the content you actually want.

Then I looked at their chat functionality. Then I logged off and got a refund. Complete and utter trash buoyed by graphics that they obviously spent all their time and money on to hook people in with flash over substance.

I can't think of a single mechanic or feature in this game that is innovative. It's literally all the same recycled ideas from a bunch of different games.

I don't need to swim in shit for six hours. I smelled it before I even jumped in.

I understand why people want to give this soulless adventure in corporate game-making a shot. Because there hasn't been a major mmo release in 4 years and the most popular one is 20 years old and the highest rated one is 9. However, New World is junk. Sorry. I really am. I wish New World was worth it, just to keep the mmo genre solid and fruitful.
No one ever dreams of being a cynic.

Sorry you're afflicted.

Originally Posted by Mblake1981 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I watched a couple nit-wits on Youtube try P99 (and classic EQ) for the first time. They made a couple dwarves and bumblefucked around for 45 minutes trying to find what to do because nothing told them or pointed a direction. They both disliked the game and turned it off.

I went to the comments section and typed out a piece similar to yours then hit erase. I remembered no one had to sell me on EQ. My nerd boner was max stiffy without any of that.
Did they go on a forum and talk about how trash it was and insult the player base? Even Fortnite has merits. Sad so many people are jaded little angst cynics and can't see them. Gamers today are worthless, in the day everyone knew how to mod a game, how to make their own game even.. Now? Most gamers don't even know what an executable is.. While Unreal Engine makes it so easy a child can do it, most still refuse to jump on a game engine and prove their worth. Cynical "game analysts, journalists" are a fucking joke, that is why they don't really exist anymore.

The only value you as a gamer have, with your opinions on what makes a good game: Is making games. That is how it worked.. Now gamers are just lazy bitches who think their opinions matter to anyone. Almost every "issue" people have in New World is by design, Same can be said for Everquest, Dark Souls, EVE, Fortnite..

It is possible to make another Everquest like game in Unreal Engine or Unity.. It isn't even that hard, lazy useless gamers just have to stop being gamers for a minute and spend their time in an Engine, like with for example. In the 80s-90s a lot of gamers were devs as well, the dev to gamer ratio was like 1 to 10 back then, in 2020 the dev to gamer ratio is about 0.00001 to 10. That is the only reason why you don't see an explosion of games today like we did back then, no one is making them, everyone is playing them.

I get not liking a game, but hating a game? Calling it trash? 12 year old going on 32 kind of incel energy.
Last edited by Shawk; 10-18-2021 at 01:34 PM..