Thread: New World
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Old 10-18-2021, 09:54 AM
BlackBellamy BlackBellamy is offline
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Originally Posted by Tethler [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Can't take this post seriously. 38 minutes is enough to tell you if you like or dislike the playstyle, sure. But being able to judge the overall quality of a game after less than an hour? lol

In that time you probably got to level 5 and maybe tried 2 different weapons with 1-2 skills unlocked in each. You certainly didn't get to crafting, PvP, dungeons, or anything else. Come back and offer a critique after you've played enough to know what you're talking about.

This game is far from perfect and has quite a few things that do need improvement, sure. But it's not even close to "total and utter trash".
I got to level zero! I created a character that looked like every other character. I was the same height and body style as everyone else. I was the same race. I went out and saw some guys with these huge anime-hammers like 10 feet long just floating on their backs. And then I watched some people fight and it was all this giant jumble of explosions and whooshes and sparklies with numbers flying everywhere.

I didn't do any quests because they are all the same trivial ask. I didn't do any crafting because it's just makework to keep you busy. I didn't go into any dungeons because there weren't any. I didn't participate in pvp because that is locked behind 100s of hours of pointless crafting, I mean pointless other than serving as a gate to the content you actually want.

Then I looked at their chat functionality. Then I logged off and got a refund. Complete and utter trash buoyed by graphics that they obviously spent all their time and money on to hook people in with flash over substance.

I can't think of a single mechanic or feature in this game that is innovative. It's literally all the same recycled ideas from a bunch of different games.

I don't need to swim in shit for six hours. I smelled it before I even jumped in.

I understand why people want to give this soulless adventure in corporate game-making a shot. Because there hasn't been a major mmo release in 4 years and the most popular one is 20 years old and the highest rated one is 9. However, New World is junk. Sorry. I really am. I wish New World was worth it, just to keep the mmo genre solid and fruitful.
Last edited by BlackBellamy; 10-18-2021 at 09:57 AM..