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Old 07-16-2011, 04:31 AM
Abacab "The REAL truth" Abacab "The REAL truth" is offline

Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 179

Originally Posted by Bardalicious [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Seems like a large percentage of the PVP population gains an overwhelming feeling of satisfaction for killing someone else despite the circumstances. I can pretty much weigh those people with the type of person that comes into a restaurant and treats the waitress like shit because A) they can and B) it makes them feel better about being a worthless piece of shit themselves to be able to degrade someone else.

Personally, I don't get it. I'd rather 1v1 or evenly matched group PVP all day rather than hug 5 other people's nuts to try to gank solo stray players. There's no skill involved nor satisfaction had on my part.

But hey, we all play for different reasons.
PvE is the main focal point of this game, PvP is just situational. The people playing don't use PvP as intended and use it as a form of griefing via corpse camping and abusing mechanics which as I said before is ultimately bad for server stability because people spend more time trying to figure out new ways to grief instead of fostering growth.

Within 3 months the server will cannibalize itself into former Heresy/TDT members that have been collectively nut hugging since Daxum box going 15 strong against whatever guild Dankenstein and other rejects adhere to in order to complete epics and planar clears. Then within the next few months they go into post-emo apathy mode and cry about why there is no pvp to be found and the server has gone stale?

Well no shit, you just spent weeks running around on a level 14 monk bind camping people in noob zones with the assistance of some level 50 immortal healing, therefore ruining any sort of immersion and population building. It's for that same reason that the mechanics need tuned and PvP should be done via randomized non-interchangeable teams with staff policing to prevent the same 10 or so cocksuckers from running the server into the ground because they enjoy fearing lowbie's mobs into guards getting them killed in the process.