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Old 09-27-2021, 09:39 AM
Taxijoe Taxijoe is offline

Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 63
Default Dusk till Dawn is recruiting

Hello Norrath! <Dusk Till Dawn> (DtD) is a new Everquest P99 guild on the Green server.

The ambition is to create a place where all euros and SEA players can find strength, adventure and fun in numbers while the US sleeps (well most of them anyways…).

Whether you are a level 1 returning to the game or a level 60 who hasn't slept properly in months, you are all welcome to join us.
We will also be happy to welcome any fellow American players, as long as you understand that most of the action will happen during your late nights and early mornings.

We even have a charter to summarize what we are about :

  1. Dusk Till Dawn (DtD) is a guild meant to welcome and help Europeans and SEA players in the world of Everquest, on the P99 Green server.
  2. Like our name entails, DtD aims to play mostly when the US players are sleeping so that our members can explore the full content of Norrath with a solid group of friends when most camps are open.
  3. To be a member of DtD, you have to accept that Everquest P99 is a game first and foremost. We aim to enjoy the game and all the content it has to offer, from grouping in Crushbone to trying to kill gods and dragons, in their planes or their natural habitats.
  4. DtD will not be crawling WToV or NToV every weekend to compete with the major raid forces out there.
  5. DtD accepts all classes and levels. You do not need any items to join us. All players, n00bs and V3t3ran alikes, are welcome. The guild will seek to help its members expand their knowledge of the game any way it can. We will experiment and learn together as DtD grows.
  6. The content we aim to play on a regular basis will be as such : Old world dragons, Planes (fear, hate, eventually sky...but that one is not fun and is a hell of a job), Kunark dragons (if they are up, if not, so be it), Sebilis, Chardok, Charasis, Kael arena, Western Wastes dragons, Hall of Testing, Epic fights for our members…
  7. We will not ask our members to sock any targets unless they want to, for their own needs (notably epic npcs).
  8. Our loot system is founded on Need Before Greed, we will help our members to get loot for mains before alts.
To join DtD, we only ask you to abide by the Project99 Play Nice Policy ( and our following code of conduct :
  • Do not Box
  • Do not Kill Steal or steal camp
  • Respect your fellow players
  • Don’t be a dick !

Find us on discord :

Or in game with a tell to Jerricoe, Willowyjack or Mondrose.