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Old 09-02-2021, 01:32 AM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 8,473
Default Favorite YouTube channels? (No political plz)

I’m a bit of a YouTube junkie, especially during EQ downtime, and am interested in branching out to some new stuff. If I don’t comment it doesn’t mean that I didn’t check it out!

Here’s some of mine to start:

Mr Ballen - tales of the strange, dark, and mysterious delivered in story format (true stories). Some of them are incredible such as tales of self-sacrifice to save others or how someone’s death inadvertently saved other people from death later. They can be hit or miss, but most are good if you like dark content:

Chubbyemu - True stories of when people made really bad decisions and the medical result, told by a Toxicologist MD. Things like “A man drank a lava lamp, this is what happened to his organs”. The medical jargon is HEAVY but informative. Hit or miss but some are interesting if medical stuff interests u:

JonTronShow - ya’ll probably know this one. Not a lot of new content, but always top quality funny stuff:

Cinemassacre: Only for the Angry Video Game Nerd, who posts reviews of old terrible retro games which many here have probably seen or heard of. Not a lot of new content and AVGN is the best stuff here:

Brosciencelife: an unexpectedly funny meathead makes comedy videos about lifting

Any suggestions for me to check out? Can be about anything really
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