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Old 07-23-2021, 11:42 PM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 8,473

For squats I start with 1 plate for a set of 5. Then add a plate for a set of 5. Then add 25lbs for a set of 5. Then I take the 25's off and put another plate (so three 45lb plates on each side, 315 total) for a set of around 3-4. Then another set of 315lbs for 3-4 reps. Then I take a 45lb plate off and do a slower set of 5, focusing on slowing down the downward descent movement of the rep. I'm one of the only people at the gym who have ever tried doing a slow (on the descent) squat, they're pretty brutal, but I believe they do a lot for strength building. Then I take a 45lb off (so just 1 45lb on each side) and do 3 sets of front squats

I picture like a pyramid, I'm slowly increasing the weight to the top of the pyramid, then slowly coming down

I transition to deadlifts from there and just do 5-6 sets of 8-10 reps of two 45's on each side. I could easily do 3-4 plates on each side but my grip is fucked from having past wrist/elbow injuries so I'd need straps at that point. And one time I hurt my back trying to do heavy deads so lately I just don't bother as much. I am still ironing out the kinks on my deadlift form, and I need to have a mirror on my side to make sure my back is flattened, because I have a natural kind of arch

For bench I start with a 45 on each side for a set of 5, then add 25lbs for another set of 5, then two 45's for another set of 5. Then I add a 10lb, which lately has felt like dense collapsing star amount of weight for some reason, I only do a set of 2ish and then I'm taxed

For most other lifts, the sweet spot for me is about 6-8 reps. The only time I do high reps is cable work
Last edited by unsunghero; 07-23-2021 at 11:45 PM..